Trend Spotting

I often get comments on my blogroll and how interesting, varied and diversified it is. The common denominator of all of the blogs I read is that they are all excellent trend spotters — those who are aware of change in the world, in the places they live, and in themselves and who are valuing and creating value from those changes in a positive way. They are the way I stay in touch with what is going on in the world in any number of different areas.

The list changes with my current interests, but the best blogs from those interest are the ones that tend to remain there month after month, so the list inevitably gets longer. From time to time I pare off a few who have stopped posting or cut back.I suppose I could go to a feed reader, but that never feels the same to me – there is something in the visible look of someone’s site that appeals to me and tells me something about them.

If you by chance happen to get removed from my blogroll and would like to be re-added, or if you’re a reader not on my blogroll, please just ask. And it is not about exchanging links for me or to boost my ego if I have lots of readers or just a few – I really don’t care all that much. Those who need to read what I have to say will find their way here.

I have no illusions of changing the world, or of changing anyone’s opinions. My preference is to simply enjoy the flow of change, which is life itself. Change is the heart of Tao and the reason I am drawn to it and it to me.



One Response

  1. Hi Donna —

    In the spirit of hope and the potential for change, and FYI, I am including below my recent communication to the Clinton, Edwards, Obama, and Richardson campaigns.

    I don’t know if this will turn into a *trend* but one can hope. :o)


    — Nelson / citizenine

    Hillary Clinton, John Edwards,
    and Bill Richardson.

    There has been
    a lot of legitimate
    talk about change
    and experience.
    And change,
    however any one
    of you might frame
    it, is clearly
    a capacious
    shopping cart
    to fill with issues
    with which to
    challenge the
    in November.
    As well, the
    catastrophic legacy
    of our last seven
    (going on eight)
    over-long years
    of experience is the
    entirely appropriate
    and strategically sensible
    millstone with which
    to yoke the Republicans
    in the coming months.

    Whatever the outcome
    of the primaries,
    the caucuses, and
    the convention,
    any one of you
    ought to be able
    to prevail cleanly
    in the election
    (assuming it’s a
    clean election).

    But Barack, Hillary,
    John, and Bill,
    (if you will),
    you have so much
    more generative,
    healing, and, yes,
    nation building
    potential in your
    hands than you
    have yet allowed
    yourselves to imagine,
    even to dream.

    Take your four
    individual visions
    of what the next
    eight years
    would be like
    if you win in
    sum them,
    and then
    them by the
    hopeful visions
    of ALL of the
    and Republicans
    who otherwise
    fear for the future,
    and you hold
    in your hands
    a dynamic formula
    for an unprecedented
    sea change in
    the history of
    the United States.

    The power
    and historic
    promise of this
    hopeful formula,
    is far greater,
    however, than
    anything any one
    of you could hold in
    your own two hands.
    The fact is, the only
    way this potent vision
    can be held is with all
    eight of your hands.

    It is imperative
    that the four of you
    must join together
    in a quadumvirate ticket:
    Obama and Clinton
    for Co-President and
    Edwards and Richardson
    for Co-Vice President.
    This must happen
    immediately, in the
    time between the
    New Hampshire Primary
    and Super Tuesday.

    Think of the
    galvanic hope
    this will spark
    in the hearts
    of Americans—to
    all of a sudden
    realize that one’s
    dreams for the future
    don’t have to be
    parted four or more
    ways but can be fused
    infinitely more than
    the sum of their parts.

    Think of the
    potential for healing
    this will promise for
    our deep, historic
    wounds of gender,
    race, and class.

    Think of the hope
    this will awaken
    for the billions
    of citizens of
    Planet Earth
    who will be
    profoundly affected
    by this election
    but have no vote.
    (If you want to go
    a very long way
    toward disarming
    terrorism, give the
    rest of the world
    a real reason
    to believe change,
    real change,
    is happening in
    the United States.)

    This plan joins together
    all of the experience
    all four of you bring
    to this election,
    sacrificing nothing.
    This plan promises
    the American people
    the certain benefit
    of all four of your
    visions for change,
    sacrificing nothing.

    To be sure, this plan
    depends upon your
    willingness and
    ability to place
    the American people’s
    needs above your own
    personal political ambition.
    You will not be the
    President of the United States.
    Instead you will
    be one of the
    four heroic Americans
    who sacrificed
    personal ambition to
    offer the people of this
    country and this planet
    hope for the future
    as it has never been
    dreamed of before.
    Your unparalleled place
    in history is guaranteed
    to be far greater than it
    would be even if you
    were to individually
    prevail in November.

    In your heroic sacrifice
    of your individual political
    ambition you will, and
    the United States will,
    offer not only new hope
    for America’s role in
    world affairs, but also
    a dynamic, vital, and
    compelling model for
    democracy and the
    democratic process
    when it is more needed
    than it ever has been before.

    The only way
    the United States can
    the only way
    the United States
    has something of value
    to offer to its global neighbors,
    is if the middle class
    can be reanimated
    and begin to thrive.
    This is the only model
    for inspiration that
    the United States
    can possibly offer to
    the rest of the world.

    This quadumvirate model,
    like the four chambers
    of the human heart,
    promises to offer
    a new heartbeat
    of hope to the
    family of mankind.

    This promise is
    in your eight hands.

    PS – In a sadly somber
    footnote, it should be
    borne in mind that
    this quadumvirate model
    offers the potential
    of a much safer
    and more secure
    campaign and
    than is otherwise
    possible. Change,
    real change,
    can be expected
    to engender
    real opposition.
    All that is uncertain
    is how this opposition
    will take shape.

    Again, this promise is
    in your eight hands.

    = = = = =
    = = = = =
    Submitted on 1-8-08 to the Clinton, Edwards, Obama, and Richardson campaigns. Also sent to the following newspapers: USA Today, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, New York Post, New York Daily News, Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, and San Jose Mercury. Also sent to the following blogs: AlterNet, Changing Places, The Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, Eschaton, Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, MyDD, My Left Wing, and plezWorld.

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