Yeah, that's about right….

Actually, I tend to score almost perfectly 50/50 on everything except Introversion, where I’m about 75%….

The REAL Myers-Briggs Personality Types Made Relevant

INTJ: The outside contractor

INTJs are solid, competent personalities who may seem aloof and even arrogant, but who are typically highly skilled in any field which interests them. INTJs are confident in their skills and knowledge, self-assured, and imaginitive; their exceptional problem-solving skills make them ideal architects, auto mechanics, and tools of the evil empire. While it requires the driving will to conquer of an ENTJ to imagine the Death Star and the evil genius of an ENTP to invent its devastating weapons systems, the skill and technical prowess of the INTJ is what makes the whole thing work.

The INTJ sees life as a problem to be solved. For that reason, the INTJ is the person a company brings in from the outside to streamline production processes and identify redundant assets for termination. The INTJ’s combination of analyticial problem-solving skills and complete and utter disregard for the morality or consequences of his actions also make him ideal for the job of hatchet man, CIA operative, and helpdesk operator.

RECREATION: INTJs are often baffled by the strange and incomprehensible recreational rituals of other people, such as going to parties, watching television, and having sex. Instead, they prefer to spend their leisure time installing twin missile launchers in their cars to deter tailgaters and playing chess with megalomaniac CEOs of the Tyrell corporation.

COMPATIBILITY: Silly person, INTJs don’t have relationships! They may, however build their own friends.

Famous INTJs include J. F. Sebastian and Sgt. Apone.


8 Responses

  1. I retook the test, and scored INFP. Interesting, last time a few years ago I was INTP, and before that at one time I scored INTJ. I think the difference is more in how I’ve evolved than any inaccuracy in the test.

  2. Well, yeah, manic states are kinda fun – I went shopping with a bipolar friend this weekend and was getting a vicarious thrill out of her hypomanic state – did have to work hard to keep her from spending too much money, though….

    I always found cannabis pretty calming, myself. But most things tend to calm me down. Probably why I’ve only ever had one serious manic episode.

  3. Whatever works to manage your own condition.

    I am currently exploring homeopathy. Despite the skepticism that exists about the underlying theory (for good reason), there seems to be a germ of a good idea here as well. Inoculation is a form of homeopathy, for instance.

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