Only fucking is allowed in Georgia

No oral sex, please.

What a stupid, idiotic place Georgia is. Please, if you live there or know someone who does, CALL THE ATTORNEY GENERAL and bitch. Loudly.

And now do we get why this whole attorney general fiasco of Gonzales and Bush stinks to high heaven? This is the kind of crap the Christianists want to enforce on all of us. Bitching all the while about how they’re for smaller, less interfering government that will lower their taxes.

Fine, you want lower taxes? Get out of our bedrooms and stop prosecuting people for consensual sex, dammit.

July bond hearing set for teen sex case – Yahoo! News
Wilson became a symbol for extreme cases of getting tough on sex offenders when he was sentenced to the mandatory 10-year sentence for having consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old girl in 2003, when Wilson was 17.
If he had instead had sexual intercourse with the teen, he would have fallen under Georgia’s “Romeo and Juliet” exception. But under the law in 2003, oral sex for teens still constituted aggravated child molestation and carried a mandatory sentence, plus listing on the sex offender registry.
Lawmakers last year voted to close that loophole, but the state’s top court said the new law could not be applied retroactively to Wilson’s case.
“As far as I’m concerned, this case is a throwback to Southern justice,” said state Sen. Vincent Fort, an Atlanta Democrat and one of several prominent supporters who have rallied to Wilson’s cause.


7 Responses

  1. Wilson has already been in jail for two years. The latest news is that a judge just ruled that he should only have been charged with a misdemeanor and should be freed, but the Attorney General is fighting it.

  2. Yeah, how can we ever forget that we impeached a President for lying about a blow job, but keep the bugger who illegally started a war that has killed hundreds of thousands…

    We really are messed up, huh?

  3. Hey, Donna, you did it! You used the F word in your title. Now you are going to have commenters coming out the doors and windows who never visited you before. This is a stupid law, that’s for sure–and since I work with adolescents and am just finishing up raising another, our California jails would be bursting at the seams even more than they are if this law was on the California books.

    Hey, D-Man, I couldn’t agree with you more. Thanks.

  4. Heh. Yeah, it will probably get me banned in a lot of places, too. Oh well, I didn’t want those snippy school kids reading my blog anyway. ;^)

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