Remember what was happening this time last year…

This is why those on the left are different.

No wonder this bitch spawned such a heartless asshole for a son.

See also the Katrina Timeline at ThinkProgress.

From ABC News:

Aug. 27, 2006 — A year after it hammered the Gulf Coast, Hurricane Katrina’s devastation persists in the ongoing loss, frustration and anger of those hardest hit by the storm, with widespread views of waste and mismanagement in the recovery effort, significant personal stress and broad fears of what another hurricane could do.

Across the 91 counties in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama designated as Katrina disaster areas, 57 percent of residents say most of the approximately $44 billion the federal government has spent on hurricane recovery in the last year has been wasted — and that rises to 66 percent in New Orleans, an ABC News poll finds.

Other assessments of the government’s relief efforts are as bad or worse. More than eight in 10 in New Orleans, and six in 10 across the Gulf Coast, are frustrated with the process; nearly two-thirds in New Orleans, and nearly half across the region, are angry about it. Seventy percent in New Orleans lack confidence in the government’s ability to handle another major disaster. And most blacks in the region and across the country think race has affected recovery efforts…

Update: There’s a great blogswarm of Katrina remembrances here that I’m currently reading through. Oh yes, I had forgotten these lovely quotes, remembered on Konagod:

“Now tell me the truth boys, is this kind of fun?” –House Majority Leader Tom Delay (R-TX), to three young hurricane evacuees from New Orleans at the Astrodome in Houston, Sept. 9, 2005

“I mean, you have people who don’t heed those warnings and then put people at risk as a result of not heeding those warnings. There may be a need to look at tougher penalties on those who decide to ride it out and understand that there are consequences to not leaving.” –Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), Sept. 6, 2005

Update Update:

To those who think I’m “nasty” for posting my opinions on these people today, here’s what the freepers at the Free Republic (no, I won’t link to these assholes) are saying today:

“The weather service a couple days ago had Ernesto coming straight for New Orleans in their long range forecast. A co worker was telling me that we were in for it again and New Orleans may be wiped out. I told him sometimes it takes two flushes to get rid of the $&!#.”

More here, and a link to a truly “nasty” blogger here. Good on you, Ashley!


7 Responses

  1. right, donna. now go to my blog about the tiny good news re NOLA and same friend who sent me say there’s “a hopeful story about bridging
    Black-Latino labor issues in reconstructing New
    Orleans in the current issue of In These Times.”
    we sigh a lot about the future there, but maybe…

  2. Wow, that’s a pretty nasty post, Donna. You strike me as one of those who will point out the worst in people. The Tom Delay quote, for example, was an attempt to put a little light on the situation for those kids. He was not being insensitive, even if you think he was (the kids looked to me like they were having fun).
    I can understand the frustration for those on the left right now. But I can’t, under any circumstances, understand calling Barbara Bush a bitch, based on someone who obviously doesn’t know her, going by a quote that may or may not have been taken out of context (and may or may not have been said at all – it’s certainly out of character for her to say anything like that).

  3. No wonder this bitch spawned such a heartless asshole for a son.

    Great line! I love to joke about how Bush, just by being alive, makes the strongest case for continued legalized abortion and I despise that woman who spawned him. What kind of defective sperm and egg pairing could possibly produce both George AND Jeb. I shudder to think.

    And thanks for the link!

  4. Konagod, you are most welcome.

    The arrogance of those in power is truly amazing. They think since they were fortunate enough to be born into wealth and power, they have the birthright to run things. They believe those who are less fortunate are simply lazy or unworthy or unblessed by God and therefore defective.


    Sorry you don’t like what I have to say. You have your own blog to say what you like. If you truly can’t see the arorgance and the true heart of what these people are like, then you are sadly misled.

    And I’m not “on the left”. I’m a registered libertarian, thank you very much. But, I’ve seen that some people simply can’t be trusted to be responsible and kind to others. It shows in their attitude, not merely in these quotes, but every single day. If you find these quotes “out of character” or “making light of a bad situation”, you’re missing the point. These are not the out of character quotes. These are the real feelings from when they are caught off guard and off script. EVERYTHING this gang of thieves and liars says is scripted, and the scripts are passed along to the troops. That’s why you hear them constantly from the entire gang of thieves. Look up “Leesburg Grid” on Google sometime if you don’t believe me. It’s the talking points of the right, scripted every week and passed along to the troops. I know, I went to Republican Campaign School, thanks very much. I’ve been in the inner circle, and know what they think. They cracked little jokes about all the dirty tricks they played in their campaigns, gave me every bit of info on how they relentlessly target the swing voters, while the party preaches to the choir (literally, they have records of all the church roles) to drum up the base voters.

    If you believe these people, you’ve been manipulated, and should question what it is you truly believe.

  5. Ha ha – Don’t get me wrong, Donna. I’m not trying to bash you or your blog. And, just for the record, I don’t go in for the Republican party line any more than I would for any other party. They’re all politicians. All I’m saying here is that the categorization of Barbara Bush as a bitch struck me as a bit extreme. But if it’s what you feel, then more power to ya.

    I said “left” because everything on your blog leans hard left. I didn’t mean it as a form of finger pointing or anything. I certainly don’t mean to deride anyone for their political beliefs.

    Being too close to any political machine is enough to make a cynic out of a believer. I understand all that. If you were into the whole Republican thing, and then their true “inside” behavior changed your mind, well that’s the hard way, but at least you saw the light – LOL. And, if I had to choose an American political party it would probably be the Libertarians. But what I believe is simply that each of us needs to help in whatever way he or she can. Some hold up signs on the sidewalk, for example – but what good does that do?

    Anyway, you and I could probably have a lively discussion about all this some time. But right now all I’m saying is that I disagree about Barbara Bush being a bitch.


  6. I think you have to remember how carefully scripted these people usually are. I look at the “fruits” of the Bush family (“by their fruits, ye shall know them”) and I judge their character from that. The children and grand children are drug and alcohol abusers, people in political positions who abuse their power, businessmen who lie, cheat and steal in their failed companies or are propped up by family money, like to bang Thai prostitutes, and, overall, people who have profited for three generations from war, death and destruction. I don’t think these are “nice” people, regardless of what they might say in public most of the time. I think the unscripted moments are far greater clues to their true character and motives.


    An additional query about whether the senior Bushes, who do not normally watch a great deal of television, found themselves watching more TV during this period than was their usual custom fetched from Mrs. Bush the quote that has since earned a measure of notoriety:

    I watch none. He [former President Bush] sits and listens and I read books, because I know perfectly well that, don’t take offense, that 90 percent of what I hear on television is supposition, when we’re talking about the news. And he’s not, not as understanding of my pettiness about that. But why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it’s gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Or, I mean, it’s, it’s not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that? And watch him suffer.

    via Wikipedia:

    Death of Robin Bush

    Bush’s next-eldest sibling, Robin, died of leukemia at the age of three, when he was seven years old himself. Frank argues that this loss, and the way his parents handled it, has had a lasting impact on Bush’s psyche.

    At the time she became ill, Robin was the future president’s only sibling (although Jeb Bush was born before she died) and a favorite playmate. His parents never told him that she was sick, although he was asked to stop playing with her. Only after her death did they disclose to him her illness, which had lasted longer than doctors expected it to and had led the Bushes on a frantic quest back East to find a specialist who could treat her. These efforts kept them away from their son for long stretches of time, and he was not present when Robin died, nor at her burial.

    From ttp://

    Al Franken set the record straight for us.

    In his knee-slapping 2003 book Lies (And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them), Franken relates an encounter with Barbara Bush on a flight to Washington. After describing his unsuccessful effort to pick up a conversation with Bush–the former First Lady rebuffed each approach with, “I’m through with you”–Franken quotes several unnamed “Washington insiders,” both Republicans and Democrats, who thought it was funny that Franken regarded Bush’s dismissive attitude of him as a form of kidding. Franken writes that at a Bat Mitzvah in Washington soon after his Barbara Bush encounter, “I kept hearing things like: ‘Oh no, she’s a horrible bitch.’ ‘Omigod, she’s the worst bitch on earth.’ ‘She can be very charming, but Barbara Bush is the Queen Bitch.'” Then he writes, “But another, even more interesting, insight came from everyone who knew the Bushes. They all agreed. ‘Dubya is her son.’ He’s mean.”

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