America loses the science edge

Our country is now officially The Wrong Place to do Scientific Research. What this will cost us in terms of future scientific advancement, patents, monetarily and in lives lost due to to research not getting done is incalculable. But no, Bush has to pander to an ignorant base that doesn’t care if people die, as long as they aren’t incredibly valuable embryos at the time. Of course, Bush does his photo op with people who had babies from in vitro fertilization. I guess all the embryos destroyed in the process of creating those lives don’t count for anything, either. The hypocrisy and ignorance of these people is simply stunning.

But hey, a few stem cells will be “saved”.

I wonder if stem cells rate higher than Israeli lives, even.

What A moronic country we live in. Dr. Charles says it better than I can, though.

The Examining Room of Dr. Charles

Taking something that is living and making it dead. Not allowed. Not allowed for the purpose of research. It is okay to make something dead for the purpose of justice (i.e. the death penalty). It is okay to make something dead for the purpose of geopolitical democracy building in middle eastern countries with oil (i.e. Iraq). I could go on, you get the idea…

But if it’s for research then that’s bad. Extra embryos created in the process of in vitro fertilization should never be discarded or used in medical research that might one day help cure incurable diseases, but rather all of them should be implanted in the mother, even if that means she’ll be delivering 14 children and will hemorrhage. It’s getting slippery now… I suppose all the yeast fermenting in the research labs of the world, busily cranking out recombinant vaccines and medicines, should be immediately liberated. Right now they’re being murdered after each experiment. Don’t even get me started about the yeast genocide that’s happening at Anheuser-Busch! The stem cell doctrine might also slip down that slippery slope towards antibiotics. Penicillin will be out of the question and banned. It takes living things and make them dead. Cancer treatments kill living cancer cells. They are to be outlawed soon. The Grim Reaper is no longer allowed. Death itself has been outlawed. We will simply chose to live forever. When we sneeze, millions of living nasal mucosa cells are expelled along with our snot. Save this snot. It is immoral to let these cells die. Using stem cell technology, it is almost possible now to reverse these cells back into stem cells, which can then be implanted into wombs to grow more human life. Place each used tissue in a petri dish, and store carefully in your freezer.


5 Responses

  1. Honestly, I’m giving serious thought to moving. To Canada. Soon.

    I am *so* fed up with Bush and his right-wing religious zealots for whom life is so easily discarded.

  2. I can’t pretend to know anything about stem cell research, but I have to doubt that we’ll lose much of a technological and scientific edge with this. In fact, I can’t see it lasting long beyond the Bush presidency, if in fact such issues can be so reversed. I can almost see even a Republican president overturning it.

    Unless, of course, there’s some important information about the issue that simply isn’t being made public. Can’t imagine what that would be, though.

    This will be remembered, I’m afraid, as a perfect example of valid, legitimate research possibilities being shunted by the Religous Right, in the name of righteousness. Ever see the movie “Contact”?


  3. Knowing the Bush family, they’ve probably got a vested interest in research being done somewhere else. But then, I truly think this is just an easy bone to throw the religious right.

    And yes, I saw Contact, and read the book long before that. There are so very many reasons for separation of church and state, and this is only one example.

    Although right now, I’d settle for separation of stupidity and state….

  4. okay, donna, i’ll comment here! trying to ask what that curious red stuffed creature is on your post for 7/21/06. hmm, “it” will not open the door to “submit comment” computer decor? protection against evil? i’m admiring your effort to take the edge off the awful news with images of gentler ways we might direct our energy. keep the faith.

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