Inconvenient Truths

So I went to see “An Inconvenient Truth” yesterday. I look at the news on Alberto, today, nearing hurricane strength as it approaches Florida. This is the first tropical storm of the season, from the first tropical depression of the season, from the first tropical wave of the season. There are four more tropical waves lining up right behind it.

I’m struck by this quote from this story:

The 2006 hurricane season is 12 days old.

”Good God, who would have thunk it,” Gov. Jeb Bush said just before he declared a state of emergency.

The answer, Jebbie dear, is Al Gore woulda thunk it, did thunk it, and has been trying to get people to do something about it for years. But no, you and your family denied it, refused to sign Kyoto, supported the oil industry that fights electric cars, higher gas mileage standards, fuel-efficiency standards, etc, etc. You don’t want pollution controls, you don’t want envionmental regualtions, or any other regulations that might prevent you and your ilk from making money. You don’t want the wealthy to pay their taxes, you don’t want efficiently run government agencies to take care of disasters.

The inconvenient truth, Jebbie dear, is you’ve refused to plan for the future that is coming – one full of hurricanes, wild fires, floods, and all kinds of other nastiness, thanks to climate change we’ve helped to bring on.

The US is responsible for 30 percent of the CO2 increase that is causing this climate change.

Get used to the hurricanes – this is now normal weather.


2 Responses

  1. Donna, I was in Tallahassee yesterday during Tropical Storm Alberto. We were fortunate that it weakened before striking land. I also spent a few weekends in Mississippi and Louisiana last year helping clean up the mess. Let’s hope somebody in Florida is preparing for what could happen again this year.

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