Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Jim Newcomer

What can I say about one of my favorite teachers of all time? Mr. Newcomer taught […]

It's good to have friends

Part of a collage piece I made for a friend of mine this week for her […]


LOLFED Bailout – $700 billion. Seeing an Internet meme come to life in front of the […]

Money for nothin'

With apologies to Dire Straits, which we are indeed about to be in…. Money for nothin […]

naked capitalism: Why You Should Hate the Treasury Bailout Proposal

urge everyone to call your congress creatures and let them know this bailout plan is absolutely […]

Letter to the editor too long for the paper to print

And they wonder why we don’t bother reading them anymore. We can’t even express our own […]


Please read Barack Obama’s excellent speech on the economy today…. click on the link for full […]

Destructo Dog

Destructo dog… … is destructive. Apparently Darwin thinks “toy” means “destroy”.

Muteness (repost)

Apologies for the quiet lately — I’m moving into a period of contemplating my losses, with […]

Never, ever use glue traps

We had a California Towhee stuck in one we put down trying to get the rats […]