Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Du. Belly, abdomen. On the left of the symbol is the character for “flesh.” On the […]


Offering, sacrifice, worship. On the left side of the symbol is the sign meaning a revelation […]


Tu. To vomit, to spit. The word for “mouth” is on the left side of the […]


Xiao. Laughter. The symbol is the word for “bamboo” above the word for “dog”. Just as […]


Hua. Flower Flowers are a token of life. For all the important moments in our life, […]


Shi. To verify, to test. Verify what you learn. Life is very short. We all want […]


Fan. To return, to turn back, to turn over, to rebel, polarity, opposites. The symbol is […]


Jian. Interval, space, partition. No matter where you are in life, you still have an interval […]

Mistkaes, and admitting when you're wrong

Boston.com / News / Nation / Veteran retracts criticism of Kerry A week after Senator John […]


Xin. Heart, mind. The heart is the center of our body from which truth emanates. The […]