Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Indeed, Bush is unacceptable. (Sorry to be so late posting this John – still catching up […]


Ms. Rice, you are a damned liar. The Raw Story | 2001 memo to Rice contradicts […]

YouTube – Olbermann's Special Comment on Bush Asleep at the Switch

YouTube – Olbermann’s Special Comment on Bush Asleep at the Switch Just go watch it. Thank […]

Henna Honey

This is my hair on henna. The real stuff, mixed it up from powder and everything. […]

Paper Tigers

Paper Tiger, Fiddlesticks “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely […]

Tao Politics

Due to my frustration at not having my blog available today, I’ve created a new blogspot […]

Show Your Soul

Via Farrfeed, I came across this wonderful piece today: Maven Productions …One of the most calming […]

A tree grows in Vancouver

On top of this lovely penthouse balcony overlooking English Bay. Sigh. Must be nice to have […]

Yup, I find goldens everywhere!

Even in Vancouver… It was a great trip, chock full of salmon and beer! More pics […]