Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Hard as it may be to believe, the two squares A and B are actually the […]

Yeah, that's about right….

Actually, I tend to score almost perfectly 50/50 on everything except Introversion, where I’m about 75%…. […]

The things I learn from Stirling….

Yes, the main piece is about core inflation, but the little gems within are priceless as […]

A disgruntled loofah

The loofah curses you Bill O for destroying its reputation. Link here to see KO’s take […]

My idiot representative – damn it all

Duncan can’t even protect his website – how could he protect the country ?!?! Can’t this […]


About the picture – this is part of my artistic evolution, which really goes back to […]

The President's Analyst

Talking Points Memo “I don’t have the time, the energy or the inclination to psychoanalyze the […]

Cheney to address secret group

Why can’t conservatives be honest about what they are doing? What are we not supposed to […]

Pay Attention

This is an old article, but these last few paragraphs intrigued me. My kids have no […]