Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Los Angeles Times: Did These Firefighters Truly Stand by the Gov.?

Not very happy looking firefighters posing with Ahnuld…. It’s all just show bidness to Ahnuld… Los […]


Jan Steen, The Droll Farm, 1663 I hate the way this chicken comes All bagged in […]

Will she be a force for good….

… or evil? Who knows? As usual, Bush gives us a crony who sucks up to […]


Writings about Tao are purposefully obscure. Why? Because the writers cherish Tao. The path is difficult […]

NBA Player Etan Thomas

Democracy Now! | NBA Player Etan Thomas Slams Bush Administration, Outlines Impact on Poor This problem […]

Support our troops – but screw you, though

Had one of those lovely “Christian” women with the stupid ribbon magnets on her car decide […]


Edwin Hutchinson, Gulf Fritillary Lady butterfly, I saw you a week ago. Now you are back, […]