Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Pelosi's Beauty Regimen

Dependable Renegade: “So in a few months, when impeachment proceedings are underway… I loved this comment: […]

Yoga lol cat

Via ICANHASCHEEZBURGER? UPDATE: Me too! Via Cute Overload. Me three! (Also via CO)

Conservativism is the disease

Bush is just a symptom – indeed. Bush is the logical conclusion of all the conservatives’ […]

Reaganomics was a fraud, too

Kudos, John Pierce Damn shame we can’t indict Stockman for that as well… Stockman Is Charged […]


When the energy simply flows through us, just as it flows through the grass and the […]

Here, look in my garden bed…

Here, look in my garden bed — Something beautiful is growing! Bright shaped like a cup […]


Surrender to God brings perfection in samadhi — Yoga Sutras The nature of the universe is […]

Gone fishin'

Via Bartcop… Obsidian Wings speculates on possible reason’s for Rove’s “fishing expedition”…. (c) The reason the […]

Beauty tip

When you’re draining the spaghetti, you can get a free steam facial!

Why Having More No Longer Makes Us Happy

Interesting article that gets quite a few points right: AlterNet: EnviroHealth: Why Having More No Longer […]