Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Political storm blows in Washington – Tom Curry – MSNBC.com

Political storm blows in Washington – Tom Curry – MSNBC.com “The people are not ‘refugees’ — […]


Pharyngula “”I hope people don’t play politics during this period of time,” Mr. Bush told Diane […]

What Happens to a Race Deferred – New York Times

What Happens to a Race Deferred – New York Times THE white people got out. Most […]

Music industry in disarray after the storm – Yahoo! News

Music industry in disarray after the storm – Yahoo! News … Many in the music industry […]

New Orleans Mayor, in Tears, Blasts Washington's Response – New York Times

New Orleans Mayor, in Tears, Blasts Washington’s Response – New York Times Fires and explosions jolted […]

pesky'apostrophe: always better than an unexpected period.

pesky’apostrophe: always better than an unexpected period. As a professional fundraiser, when I’m giving my own […]

If you can help out, please do….

MoveOn.org: Democracy in Action Offer housing to Hurricane survivors Thank you for stepping in to help […]

Real Leadership

Why is the sea king of a hundred streams? Because it lies below them Therefore is […]

TPMCafe || It all comes back to leadership

TPMCafe || It all comes back to leadership Wesley Clark: Again, just this past week, there […]

This is what makes us different

PERRspectives Blog: Hurricanes, Divine Retribution and the Right In these times of American hyper-partisanship, even the […]