Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Pointless Incessant Barking

Yeah, I’m about ready to go for that…. it seems to do as much good as […]

Quality Advice?

So when the hell has Bush ever had “quality advice”? What in the world makes him […]


Via Kittens of Darkness Via Icanhascheezburger? I have this problem with ambition; lately I don’t have […]

Was Carol Lam Targeting The White House?

Hmmm. Think Progress » Was Carol Lam Targeting The White House Prior To Her Firing? Referring […]

Wabi Sabi

The ancient followers of the Tao were subtle, mysterious, and penetrating. They were too deep to […]

Blue Boy

Today’s art project – coloring the boy’s hair blue! I love role playing games…


Sorry for the lack of postings. Been deep in Svadhyaya this week… From Yoga Journal: In […]

Happy Pi Day !!!

Pies from the Parkland College Library, Pi Day, 2006 Pi Day – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia […]

Does this mean they've stolen enough now?

Or are they going to keep ripping us off? ABC News: Halliburton Will Move HQ to […]