Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Political Stuff and Darwin's Birthday

Well, my blog has been a bit lacking here on the political side — if you […]

Older women who inspire the hell out of me

You go, Dara! Awesome…. I turn 50 this year — at 40, I was still coaching […]


Changes — David Bowie Still don’t know what I was waiting for And my time was […]


Jiang. Leader;military general, to take, to hold. The quality of the leader determines the quality of […]

Wingers hate WALL-E

Too bad they don’t have the kind of imagination that is able to fascinate and entertain […]

WTF Candy

Via boing boing…. Gummi Lighthouses: When Candy Design Goes Terribly, Hilariously Wrong

Jesse Kornbluth: WALL-E

We saw WALL-E yesterday and I had much the same reaction — it’s a great movie […]

Oh, finally some economic sense….

I am so happy Obama has the good economists on his team. I really hope he’ll […]

Bad week for feet

So tonight I dropped a slab of piping hot meatloaf on my OTHER foot… I give […]

Elders — time to be cool!

Rain, being cool TIME GOES BY | Quarterstaff Revolution Imagine a scene: an older woman using […]