Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Taking Gifts

Reading Christina Baldwin’s “Life’s Companion” right now, trying to get some inspiration to begin journaling again. […]

Viva Le France!

A greeting for our Preznit from the Frenchies…. Via Watertiger at Dependable Renegade…

Off to Tucson

See you all in a few days – or maybe I’ll post if we get a […]

Earthlink sucks ass

After the 3rd call from these clowns in two days, I’m pissed off. We’re on the […]

SO not going!

No, Selena, I am not going to pack you to go to Tucson for Thanksgiving! Out. […]


Captain Picard sings! YouTube – Patrick Stewart Alphabet

Swap Meet

Too cool. 5-way kidney swap performed at Hopkins – Yahoo! News The complicated swap worked this […]

Welcome to the Bungle

Always so enlightening to read Stirling Newberry…. Welcome to the Bungle – The Smirking Chimp Our […]