Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Scooter sings!

Read all about Scooter’s escapades here at Firedoglake. And congrats to Jane Hamsher on her successful […]


A few of the many candles on my mantle Krista asked us to explore candelight for […]

If you wanted a safe job, go sell shoes

Via Bartcop… “If you wanted a safe job, go sell shoes” — Chuck Hagel Harry Truman […]

Microwave experiments cause sponge disasters

Best Headline of the day! Microwave experiments cause sponge disasters – Yahoo! News

Wonky wordpress

Gah. WordPress 2.1 is messing things up royally. Sorry, may take a little while to sort […]

Why do Republicans hate minimum wage workers?

US Senate Republicans block minimum wage hike | Bonds News | Reuters.com U.S. Senate Republicans on […]


“When the practitioner is firmly established in the practice of the truth, his words become so […]

Overcoming Bias: Outside the Laboratory

Overcoming Bias: Outside the Laboratory As Richard Feynman put it: “If we look at a glass […]


And it’s only going to get worse. Two more goddamn years. Twenty-one U.S. troops killed in […]