Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Your Silence

Why are you silent While I speak to the world? Though none may hear my voice […]

Evening's thoughts

Mmmm, bit of a buzz tonight, but still coherent and awake. A good time to post […]


Iraq Coalition Casualties Damn.

Doing Right By America

Doing Right By America – A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution Read It. And do something about it. […]

Great Story

Did You Know…? / Thu 08 Jul 04: Love in an elevator Love in an elevator […]

Sorry, wrong country…

Yahoo! News – September 11 commission report links Iran to 2001 al-Qaeda attacks: media WASHINGTON (AFP) […]

The End of Neoconism is coming to your senses ?

ZAMAN DAILY NEWSPAPER (2004071410372) Famous academic Francis Fukuyama, one of the founding fathers of the neo-conservative […]