Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Bureau of the Public Debt

Bureau of the Public Debt : Debt Outstanding by Type of Debt 8/16/06 $8,483,654,083,915.88 That’s a […]

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Chris Doyle Presents – Reasonably Clever! Wasting your workday since 1995 Guided Tour Welcome to the […]

Nihon-go no benkyo o shimasu

Burnt out. Midterm tomorrow. Bleh. Tongue twisters in many languages にわの庭には、二羽の鶏は俄に鰐を食べた。 Niwa no niwa ni wa, […]

It's getting hot in here…

Yeah, but don’t worry about global warming… look, over there! Liquids on a plane! NOAA News […]

I want one of these!

So cute! ‘Spensive, tho…. I may have to start collecting these!

Good Times…

Loved this analogy of our near future in the comments on Billmon today…. Seriously, like I’ve […]

In a Parallel Universe

We all get what we wish for…. (click strip to embiggen) Via Maya’s Granny…. a lovely […]