Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

How to Slow Down Now (Please Read Slowly)

We are South Beaching for a couple of weeks to start the New Year. It’s a […]

Resolving to Reduce, Renew, Recycle, Reuse, Restore, Release

Ozy and Millie As the old year ended on a Monday, I think I’ll choose Mondays […]

Happy New Year!!!

As in years past, a very Happy New Year to you all!

Home again, home again

We are home from Tucson and Phoenix — family are all fine, and saw several friends. […]

Psyching Up for the New Year

Gonna be a busy one with many many changes — hope you are all getting rested […]

The Economics of Change

I think this article makes some good points. But part of what makes this kind of […]

Lio: Happiness Is a Squishy Cephalopod

My Christmas present from my son – he knows me so well! My Associates Store – […]

Merry Christmas!

Hope Santa leaves you everything you wanted!

In the mail today

Floating about the Intertubes clogging them up today: They are already making plans for the GW […]