Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Friday Fun – the Hello Kitty Bong

Hello Kitty! Don’t you just love these DIY articles?

Portrait of a Rebellion

Portrait of a Rebellion: Shiite insurgency in Iraq bedevils U.S. — In These Times Great backgrounder […]


Iraq Coalition Casualties Shit.

Too funny..

go fish : Is that a hairy palm in my doughnut? Must share… just go read […]

Republican catfight

CNN.com – Hastert questions McCain’s GOP credentials – May 20, 2004 WASHINGTON (CNN) — In a […]

Ah,heh, we knew there were clowns available!

Eschaton Some excerpts from Jonathan Alter’s (Newsweek) appearance on the O’Franken Factor day: “the level of […]

Gender Gap

MSNBC – The Gender Gap May 14 – It’s not surprising that the latest Bush campaign […]

Obviously they haven't checked the Bush administration

Need a clown? You may have to suit yourself “We are facing a dire shortage of […]