Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Happy Birthday, old friend….

You know who you are…. happy birthday! Love’s End Though many years have passed since last […]

Party Like It's 1926

Stirling states the economic case for regime change…. Party Like It’s 1926 | The Agonist Bernanke […]

Unclutter Your Mind (repost)

This is one of my early Tao postings, from November 2004. _______________________________________________________ Beginners acquire new theories […]

Unfit for Duty

Talking Points Memo | Unfit for Duty Josh Marshall: The idea that fighting jihadists in Iraq […]

Five Years in Iraq

And the rich are still not paying for this war. Our young men and women in […]

Sir Arthur C. Clarke, 90; scientific visionary, acclaimed writer of '2001: A Space Odyssey' – Los Angeles Times

Thank you for so much, Sir Clarke…. Arthur C. Clarke, 90; scientific visionary, acclaimed writer of […]

The Two Economies

The Two Economies | The Economic Populist Guess what? Now there are two economies, one for […]


Under Heaven, nothing is more soft and yielding than water. Yet for attacking the solid and […]

Rattling Apart: Captain Carnage and the Bear

Neo-conservative thought has been shown to be a failure at everything else it has attempted – […]

The Gifted Self

“Natural objects — living things in particular — are like a language we can only faintly […]