Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Being a child is no excuse

I was a child in the 60s, too. Mostly I was really pissed off that I […]

Feeding the Homeless

Caroly Van Duyn, Homeless Woman What Athena says. First Draft There is some kind of twisted […]

An intelligent view from an Israeli

Let’s declare victory and start talking – Haaretz – Israel News When there is fighting, guerrilla […]

Friday cat blogging

Because it’s just been one of those weeks.

Not making friends here

This is what “precision guided missles” get you. Somehow, I really don’t think the Israelis are […]

It's about time someone said this!

Guardian Unlimited Books | By genre | Happiness is always a delusion “Anybody in this culture […]

Wilted, but alive

I started journaling again today after a break of several months. I’ve felt mostly uninspired the […]

Today's Beauty from the garden

Fresh from the garden and about to be eaten…. preparing for the devouring… Yum….

Seeking Solace

Solace, Pino Daeni Seeking Solace There is no comfort tonight No friend willing to spend the […]

Why I read Juan Cole

Please go read the entire post: Informed Comment I am a Middle East expert. I lived […]