Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Bronze Okimono by Toyoaki , ca 1885 Barrel maker planes staves to exact angles. His shavings […]


Julie Squires – Recognition Spokes on the heavenly wheel Keep rotation constant. Those who follow Tao […]


Lightning tears temple asunder. Divine wrath, or natural disaster? There was a seaside temple in India […]


Every river has its banks, Every ocean has its shores. Constant expansion is not possible. Everything […]


Hide what you know. Conceal talent. Shield your light. Bide your time. Once you can follow […]


Envisat image of a plankton bloom of the coast of Spain. Image credit: ESA. Spirituality is […]

Stand up for Spermatozoan-Americans!

Jesus’ General Laura Bush First Lady of the United States Your Ladyship, Like you, I cherish […]


Every god can be defied. No choice, no devotion. There have been many rebels who have […]

Bacchante with an ape

A friend of mine brought me this as a postcard and says it looks like me, […]