Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


The Examining Room of Dr. Charles: Torches and Pitchforks A *particular HMO*, which is a subsidiary […]

Look out below?

globeandmail.com : Shiller sees U.S. rally cutting out Stock markets are still expensive, and investors could […]

To save you time, Mr. President…

I’m calling my husband Tom on his cell phone tonight since he’s up in Los Angeles […]

These are delicious!

Yum. I got them at Costco, but apparently you can get them online. They are packed […]

Why is the fun stuff ALWAYS in SF?

It’s just not FAIR! Nobody has fun like this in San Diego. And check out those […]

Presidential Papers Found In Trash

But don’t worry about these people being in charge of national security, or anything…. Meet the […]

Chain chain chain…..

Chain of fools…. Chain, chain, chain, chain, chain, chain Chain, chain, chain, chain of fools Five […]

They are all a bunch of crooks, aren't they?

TPM Muckraker May 8, 2006 11:33 AM (Printable Format) Hayden, President Bush’s pick to replace Porter […]

Hot Cocoa

The garden is blooming all over right now, but this rose is one of the most […]

A Golden Day!

This was our day at the beach with the San Diego Golden Retriever Meetup group – […]