Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


The highest motive is to be like water. Water is essential to all life, yet it […]

Division (repost from 2005)

Problems cannot be Resolved at once. Slowly untie knots Divide to conquer. In order to solve […]

Kindness and Blogroll Amnesty Day

Since I’m being linked to for Blogroll Amnesty Day by Fallenmonk, I just want to mention […]

Journeys and Artists

“The Journey”, Kathy Ostman-Magnusen “This journey is long but there are prayers being told to smooth […]

Kale with Garlic and Bacon

Made this for lunch today and it was pretty good — I added some red onions […]

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Three Sins, One Gift – The Gift

Throughout history, no system of fiat money has endured the test of time. There have been […]

Simplicity (repost)

Simple Pleasures, Albert Fennel “Be aware of Tao.” Isn’t that simple? No — let’s reduce more […]

Planting a Seed

Seedling — Ben Kwok An image of a woman desperately waiting for her loved one who […]

Awesome or disgusting?

I can’t decide… what say ye? And here’s some more fun with food-like objects.

The Space Between

Tracy Chapman got me through a few breakups, but this song in particular pretty much sums […]