Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Uh-oh…we're toast!

Just got the JC Penney fall style catalog. Long skirts. Boots. Full coverage. Traditionally, this means […]

This is why I read Stirling – he gets it

I’m a libertarian by tradition and inclination – I’m for smaller, smarter government that does things […]

How Berkeley changed our diet

Neat article via The Ethicurian by Derrick Schneider of An Obsession with Food on the connection […]

Keith Olbermann Speaks Truth to Power

Crooks and Liars » Keith Olbermann Delivers One Hell Of a Commentary on Rumsfeld Just go […]

Tao and politics

I get comments from people sometimes about my views on politics conflicting with Tao. Well, it’s […]

Rush Limbaugh thinks we slaughter cows to get butter

Via This Modern World We get this great quote on what’s wrong with giving to the […]

The farce of Gitmo

Charge them, or let them go. Enough, already. This makes us look like assholes to the […]

Even Oregon is still damaged by Katrina

skippy the bush kangaroo the oregon national guard says it’s in bad financial shape because the […]