Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

The Time Traveler Convention – May 7, 2005

The Time Traveler Convention – May 7, 2005 The Time Traveler Convention May 7, 2005, 10:00pm […]


“Golden Light After the Storm,” Phyllis Knopke Golden light skims azure bay, Dense air heavy with […]

So long, Bill….

So sorry, Mr. Gates – my new computer is a Powerbook… You can be tolerant and […]


Worship with your conscience, Receive grace with humility. Guide with awareness, Lead with modesty. The altar […]

Scariest thing I've seen all day…

Market Observations We’ve often suggested that psychologically and emotionally, residential real estate values are extremely important […]


Peacock iridescence in vertical shadows. Violet blooms spread to noonday sun. The world’s beauty in a […]

Holdin' Hands….

“President Bush was following an Arab custom that denotes close friendship when he walked hand in […]

The Anticonsumers

SSPP: The new politics of consumption: promoting sustainability in the American marketplace Anti-Consumerism Among some youthful […]

SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Metro — San Diego Mayor Dick Murphy resigns

SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Metro — San Diego Mayor Dick Murphy resigns San Diego mayor announces […]