Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations


Qin. Diligence, labor. On the bottom of the symbol is the character for “strength” (showing a […]


Ta. He, she, them, others, it. We should not define ourselves by how others define us. […]


Qi. Self, personal. The symbol for qi means “itself” and “inherent.” Tao is inherent in itself. […]


Sao. To sweep. On the left of the symbol is the sign for “hand.” On the […]


You. friend. The symbol for friend shows two hands acting in the same direction. We cannot […]

Happy Birthday Gregory!

Yeah! My youngest turns fifteen today. He’ll probably sleep all day…


Shao. Young, few. The young need guidance to attain wholeness. Life is a daily process of […]

Spa Day

Ah. That’s so much better…. If you live in SoCal, go here. You’ll like it really.


Ku. Withered, dried, decayed.On the left of the symbol for ku is a picture of a […]