Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Listen with your eyes

Huangguoshu Waterfall, Guizhou Province.–the 3rd largest waterfall in the world. “It has to be felt deeper, […]

Songs for a Friend

Putting together a playlist for a friend going through a divorce today — this is the […]

Creating Awareness

“How much of the day are you aware – just basically aware of what life is […]

Escape to Reality

Earth Knower, Manyard Dixon “But what if, at least some of the time, we feel an […]


Since we are all about the change here… a place to connect with other people interested […]

Retrospective (repost from 2005)

You could labor ten years under a master Trying to discern whether the teachings are true. […]

I'm such a Rebel

Not sure what species exactly he is, but he was very excited to see me today! […]

Zombie Facebook

Yes, even dead people on Facebook are more popular than I am. Sigh. For users of […]

More reasons to tweet

No, really, xkcd wasn’t kidding: Me, I got nuthin’.