Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

I'm sure we're all looking forward to the explanation

Which I’m sure will somehow not be his fault, of course… or will we get the […]

Five Things in my Fridge

Tagged by Kathryn with this meme! Arrrgh! Ok, ok, let’s see….. Remnants of ham and vegetable […]

Ending the Addiction to Stuff

Daily Kos: Annie Leonard’s The Story of Stuff While the problems of consumer culture have spread […]

"The Illustrated President"

Oh, too funny. Go read…. “The Illustrated President” by Scott Horton (Harper’s Magazine) So Bush’s description […]

The labor of gratitude

From Lewis Hyde’s “The Gift” (thanks, Evelyn!) As a parable of a gifted person, “The Shoemaker […]

The worst market crisis in 60 years

Soros lays it all out on the table…. go read the whole piece, it’s good. FT.com […]

I say we elect him President of the Galaxy

Zaphod Beeblebrox Richard Branson The resemblance is striking, no? Virgin’s Branson unveils commercial spaceship model | […]

Essential Insanity

Wow. Just go live at the Agonist today – Ian AND Stirling are on! Just, wow. […]

The Adventures of Captain Carnage

Go read Stirling today: The Adventures of Captain Carnage: The Crash of 2008 | The Agonist […]

Cliff Diving

If you’re watching the markets today, it’s Not Pretty. The blogroll on the right links to […]