Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

The Dormant Poet

“Know that there is often hidden in us a dormant poet, always young and alive.” — […]

Bridges can be burned

journal entry today Bridges can be burned — but the bridge is still there – Even […]

It is so beautiful

“It is so beautiful I must show you how it looks” — Van Gogh A Secret […]

Calling all knitters

Knit Sackboy via Craftzine Can anyone knit me some sackboys? They are so cute!!

States Need to be a Focus for Economic Recovery

Progressive States Network is one of the progressive organizations I support. This is a particularly good […]

Shaping Up (repost from Jan 12, 2005)

Potter at the wheel. From centering to finished pot, Form increases as options decrease; Softness goes […]

At the Threshold

1. The man who stands at a strange threshold, Should be cautious before he cross it, […]

Mandelbrot the Fractal Teddy

Oh, this is just too cute! Why don’t I think of these things? From Buttons for […]

Cory Doctorow: Writing in the Age of Distraction

Love the writing tips from Cory Doctorow (who blogs at Boing Boing). I once started a […]


Isn’t this piglet squid the cutest little thing? Via the Telegraph via Pharyngula. The animal, named […]