Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

More state join the War on Women's Rights

State to offer ‘Choose Life’ anti-abortion license plates Kentucky to offer ‘Choose Life’ anti-abortion license plates […]

Tennessee joins the War on Women's Rights

Dependable Renegade AP/Tennessee Right to Life Fucktards. (This undated artist’s rendering provided by Tennessee Right to […]


Irresponsible – Kirsten Johnson “To be an artist is to recognize the particular. To appreciate the […]

Make your own plushy artic lobster!

Pattern available here: Posted by kuri: Inspired by the recently reported kiwa hirsuta lobster, I designed […]

Voice Lessons

So yay, I had my first voice lesson today! It was actually very cool and informative. […]

Missouri – we want to be as stupid as South Dakota!

What Mac said. Any woman who votes Republican ought to just sign over her uterus NOW. […]

Open Open Open!

My dogs’ least favorite words: Half an hour til dinner!”


Neatorama These awesome photos of egg city sculpture / art was taken somewhere in Guangzhou. Link […]

ARTnatomy | ARTnatomía

ARTnatomy | ARTnatomía Very cool tool for learning about the muscles and structure of the face […]

Glass Garage Fine Art Gallery

Glass Garage Fine Art Gallery Yes, it’s a painting. Wow….. Via Neatorama.