Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Sorry if you missed me…

The blog has been down all day due to a hosting outage. California power is not […]

Blogito Ergo Sum

New shirt acquired at ComiCon…

Just turtles all the way down…

OK, you’ll probably really need to be a geek to get this one, or a Discworld […]

Apparently Cthulhu doesn't like comments

My new baby from ComiCon – isn’t he the cutest lil’ thing?! Valentino Cthulhu… Update: Well, […]

Wang Tao – Integrity

JAI LU – COMPLETENESS Hold to your ethics and principles Stand strongly for what you hold […]

America loses the science edge

Our country is now officially The Wrong Place to do Scientific Research. What this will cost […]

Wang Tao – Hsing – "Heart Flower"

A person with true self-acceptance is “a person with full awareness of self in body, mind […]

The Revolution of the Sphere

Hey, indeedy, as Atrios would say. Stirling nails it again. The power of the network, and […]

Bolton tells Canadians their citizens don't matter

So, little Arab children, even if Canadian citizens, don’t matter as much as Israeli citizens? Remember, […]