Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Earthquake and Tsunami

There’s so much destruction from the massive earthquake and tsunami in Southeast ASia, it’s pretty overwhelming, […]

The Joys of Simply Living….

This is what life is about when you stop trying to hard to make a living […]

Whether you know it or not

A person does not have to join a group or be a wise leader to work […]

Mexican food and a warm bonfire

Had a great solstice evening enjoying Mexican food at Chevy’s with Kristin and Sven and the […]

Happy Solstice!

As the sun stands still before it begins to move back to the north, we celebrate […]


So, Christmas is in five days, the boys are home, the boys friends are over, and […]

Here and Now

The wise leader knows what is happening in a group by being aware of what is […]

Why can't the US support real democracy in Saudi Arabia?

Women in Saudi Arabia Too Have a Dream I am a Saudi citizen. I am over […]


Iraq Coalition Casualties Shit.

An open letter to George W. Bush

OK Dubya, You’ve managed to con enough people in this country to get four more years […]