Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Deal with it?

Hoffmania! – The Chronicle of the American Condition >From the mail bag, this bit of wisdom […]

But it's not like Vietnam …

U.S. Deaths from Enemy Fire at Highest Level Since Vietnam With fighting in Iraq now at […]

It's just so… Bush!

Special Counsel’s Chief Is Assailed (washingtonpost.com) The head of an independent agency that enforces workplace and […]

Gee, no kidding, Rummy!

Rumsfeld Says He Underestimated Level of Violence in Iraq (washingtonpost.com) Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld acknowledged […]

Oh sh*t….

The Agonist: Baghdad Warning Baghdad Warning The following letter was distributed on the streets of Baghdad […]

It's their oil, like our taxes are our money…

Press Conference of President Bush What else — part of the question — oh, oil revenues. […]

Bush flip flops

Bush’s Plea of Ignorance In his January 2003 State of the Union address, Bush said: “Some […]

Yup, he's president purfect

Bush: I’ve Made No Mistakes Since 9/11 WASHINGTON – American President George Bush grimaced, sighed, rambled […]

Deadliest Month yet in Iraq

Yahoo! News – 83 U.S. Troops Killed in Iraq in April 83 U.S. Troops Killed in […]