Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Happy Birthday to Gertrude

One of Darwin’s friends at the Casa where we do pet therapy turns 106 today. Here’s […]

7.9 quake in China

Wow, a 7.9 quake under any city would be a disaster. Living in earthquake country, it’s […]

Question of the Day

So — Why do people pay $32 to go to a concert and then sit and […]

Mother's Day

Here is the original, pre-Hallmark, Mother’s Day Proclamation, penned in Boston by Julia Ward Howe in […]

Roxie is at Peace

My brave girl collapsed today and made her final trip to the vet. She was ready […]

Cat Scan

Yup, had one today. Fun stuff. So far in this year’s round of doctor’s visits all […]

Does that look evil or what?

WHOA!! Mega Vulcanicity: When Volcanoes Spew Lightning Several days ago, a volcano that had been dormant […]

Oh, Darwin would love this!

So Cute!!!! Via Boing Boing…. RoadkillToys.com Designer Plush Toys – Twitch (Raccoon) Plush Toy Our Squash-plush […]

At least it's good for something!

Scientists find something good about a big bottom – Yahoo! News A type of fat that […]

Getting It

Nice thoughts on creating life versus getting stuff from Christine Kane. Creating vs. Getting | Christine […]