Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Ned Lamont for Senate

This is why I support Ned Lamont – he gets it. He’s a rich man, and […]

Things you have to believe to be a Republican

In an email I got today that’s going around – thought I would share it here. […]


Hakuna Macaca…. what a wonderful phrase… AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth Webb leads […]

Truly Awesome

Awesomeness, indeed! Via My Confined Space Via Pharyngula


Extra points to those who get the reference….. “A good manager is best when people barely […]

Remember what was happening this time last year…

This is why those on the left are different. No wonder this bitch spawned such a […]

Beautiful post on freedom

By Sara Robinson, well worth a read… via Blog around the clock… Orcinus America’s founders understood […]

Toro Nagashi

Photograph by luciole at Inkstone Luciole writes: The lantern floating – a sending off ceremony for […]