Ever desireless one can see the mystery

Ever desiring one can see the manifestations

Great idea – bikestations

Treehugger: Bikestaions: Commuting Facility of the Future Bikestaions: Commuting Facility of the Future January 14, 2005 […]

PAC for Change

Pac for a Change Go. Sign. Contribute! PAC for a Change 1/13/2005 On Tuesday, January 18th […]

A Bloody Mess

American Prospect Online – ViewWeb A Bloody Mess From our February 2005 issue: How has Britain’s […]

Tangled Bank

Science And Politics: Tangled Bank #19 The latest Tangled Bank is up – 31 entries, wow. […]

Support the Hungry

Shop to Benefit The Hunger Site Take a message of peace to the streets! Simply slap […]


Fire cools. Water seeks its own level. No matter how extreme a situation is, it will […]


Mute black night, Sudden fire. Destruction. Disaster strikes at its own time. It is so overwhelming […]

Taoist computer humor

Daoist Humor The novice was growing impatient on the road to enlightenment. “Master, as a follower […]


Clearing blue sky, A promise in bare branches. In winter, there are sunny days. In adulthood, […]


The woodcutter Works in all seasons. Splitting wood is both Action and inaction. Even when it […]